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Crowdfinancing - gemeinsam investieren, gemeinsam profitieren.


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Are security tokens the new instrument for financing start-ups?
We hear and read enthusiastic statements on security tokens. After the emotion comes the engineering. The goal It may be a bit arduous to translate poetry into code, but ...
German Federal Supreme Court Approves Ad Blockers, Free Press Bleeds
Publishers find it difficult or impossible to generate sufficient income through their online news platforms. Ads do generate some profit, but the battle against ad blockers is ...
Blockchain Debate: Greasy Oil versus Dry Code
While the cryptosphere is expanding at high speed, its basic principles need to be protected. Breaches of these should be taken as an opportunity to continue their ...
Weißer Rauch aus dem GroKo-Schornstein
Viele von uns befällt angesichts des unter Mühen ausgehandelten Entwurfs eines Koalitionsvertrags die Sorge. Denn Schwung und Begeisterung der wahrscheinlichen Koalitionäre hätten ...
White Smoke from the Grand Coalition’s Chimney
Many of us are worried about the flavour of discord surrounding the negotiation of the draft of a common programme between the parties which intend to govern Germany. The impetus ...
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Eingetragen 24.10.2014
Blogrank 1230
Letztes Posting 23.07.201817:33
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