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My Thoughts in Words

Es handelt sich um einen Blog in dem ich meine Gedanken teile.


Aktuelle Posts

Thats why I was "offline"
I started this blog months ago and thought to myself, I just write on it. As the name "My Thoughts in Words" says, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. Well, that wasnt as ...
Thats why I was "offline"
I started this blog months ago and thought to myself, I just write on it. As the name "My Thoughts in Words" says, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. Well, that wasnt as ...
A little Time off
I havent really posted anything in the last few months.  That was because I had a lot to do privately and really couldnt deal with writing something constructive.  ...
A little time off
I havent really posted anything in the last few months.  That was because I had a lot to do privately and really couldnt deal with writing something constructive.  Whenever I ...
Can the nature reduce stress?
The neuroscience of natureA study in Japan found out that a walk in the forest can significantly reduce stress levels more effectively than a walk in the city. This is ...
Eingetragen 20.06.2018
Blogrank 2342
Letztes Posting 09.03.201917:33
in der Rubrik Privateblogs
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